Document safe keeping service, exclusively for Estate First Clients

You’ve invested time and money into creating a strong estate plan. Now you need to ensure that your important legacy documents such as your original Will, Enduring Power of Attorney and other testamentary documents are protected for the future.

That’s where LegalSafe® comes in.

Our LegalSafe service includes:

  • Registering your legacy documents and your details in our safe custody records.
  • Storing your legacy documents using our ‘double packet’ method in our flood free, dedicated document facility.
  • Protecting Access for only you and your authorised persons.
  • Updating your safe custody records when you update your legacy documents with Estate First Lawyers.

LegalSafe is a division of Estate First Lawyers, one of the largest Will writing law firms in Australia. We have thousands of Wills in the LegalSafe program and so have the resources to employ a dedicated team who meticulously record, packet and store your legacy documents.

Join the LegalSafe program today

To find out more about LegalSafe, please complete the form below. Or you can call us on 1300 132 567.

    Your legacy documents speak for you when you are unable to do so

    The law has strict requirements on keeping your documents in hard copy and in pristine condition. But things can go wrong if:

    Your hardcopy can’t be found

    If your Will can’t be found, the law presumes you destroyed it and didn’t want it to operate. If no Will can be found, your estate will be distributed in accordance with arbitrary government rules.

    Only an electronic version of your will can be found

    Proving a photocopy or electronic copy of your Will or trust deed without the original hardcopy involves an expensive court application, with no guarantees.

    Your enduring Power of Attorney cannot be found

    If you lose your Enduring Power of Attorney, your attorneys cannot use an uncertified copy.

    Your will has markings, or is damaged

    If your Will has evidence of markings, such as paper clips, elastic band impressions, handwriting, tears or smudges, the Court will question the document after you die.

    What is the cost if things go wrong?

    The cost to your loved ones is at best tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees and lengthy delays in the finalisation of your estate affairs, and at worst, the rejection of your legacy documents as your last wishes.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What will LegalSafe cost me?

    There is no charge for the LegalSafe service unless you (or your legal personal representative) later withdraw your documents or instruct another law firm in relation to your estate planning or estate administration needs. You can withdraw your original documents at any time and we’ll be happy to give them to you or your new legal provider.

    At the time of withdrawal from the LegalSafe service, you will be invoiced for the period that you utilised the service at the rate of $49.95 per year. Original documents for your business entities can also be stored for a small additional fee.

    Ask us for our Terms & Conditions for further details.

    Peace of Mind for you and your Loved Ones

    Losing or damaging your original estate planning documents can cause significant delays and legal fees for your beneficiaries. LegalSafe minimises these risks by providing:

    • Secure, Flood-Free Facility: Your documents are meticulously stored in a dedicated, climate-controlled facility with advanced security measures.

    • Double-Packet Protection: We employ a two-envelope system to ensure the utmost security and preservation of your documents.

    • Automatic Updates: Whenever you update your estate plan with Estate First Lawyers, we automatically update your LegalSafe records.

    Why take the risk when your Legacy Documents can be LegalSafe?

    Key Features of the LegalSafe Program


    REGISTERING your legacy documents and your details in our safe custody records.


    STORING your legacy documents using our ‘double packet’ method in our flood free, dedicated document facility.


    PROTECTING ACCESS for only you and your authorised persons.


    You can access or withdraw your documents at any time. There is no obligation to continue to use Estate First or LegalSafe.



    LegalSafe is the safest way to store your legacy documents.

    We’re that confident that if any of those documents are lost or destroyed while in our care, LegalSafe will pay for any legal costs incurred in replacing the documents.