Estate Planning Master Class
- Case Study #1 – Testamentary Trust in Wills
- Case Study #2 – Blended Family Solutions
Designed for Advisors who have a solid understanding of the fundamentals. Case studies includes risk discussions on what is in the client’s best interests to raise, and where to draw the line between legal information (good) and legal advice (no good).
Presented: May 2020
Length: 1 hour

Enduring Powers of Attorney and Advance Heath Directives
- Case Study #1 – Married couple selecting eachother as attorneys
- Case Study #2 – Single person selecting adult children as attorneys
Explores the practical application of an enduring power of attorney and advance health directive through two case studies. Designed for Advisors who have a foundational knowledge of these documents but who are wanting a deeper and practical application of how they work in real life situations.
Presented: June 2020
Length: 1 hour

Women in Super (Qld) – Industry Leaders Q & A
- Hosted by Ann Janssen
- Topic ‘Boosting Retirement Outcomes for Women’
- Joined by Wendy Tancred, CEO of Mercy Super &
Anne Fuchs, Head of Advice & Retirement, Sunsuper
We explore why women’s super balances in retirement are lower than their male counterparts, and the government and super industry initiatives that can boost women’s super, as well as strategies for women to increase their financial security.
Presented: 3 June, 2020
Length: 32 minutes