Advance Health & Care Directive Planning

Getting your Health Directive in place

Health and Medical directives allow you to specify how you wish to be medically treated in certain circumstances, if you have lost capacity at that time. These documents differ to Enduring Powers of Attorney in that these healthcare directives are limited to pre-emptively outlining the health care and medical treatment you want (or do not want) to have in particular health scenarios. What this document is called differs between the Australian States and Territories.

Queensland Advance Health Directives

You can prepare a legal document known as an Advance Health Directive Qld (AHD). This document allows you to outline what medical treatment or health care you do or do not wish to receive in certain circumstances, in the event that you are no longer capable of making decisions for yourself. The AHD needs to be completed with your doctor and certified by a solicitor, justice of the peace or Commissioner for Declarations.

New South Wales Advance Care Directives

You can prepare an Advance Care Directive NSW which allows you to provide a statement setting out your directions, including your wishes and values that should be considered before medical treatment decisions are made on your behalf. There is no prescribed form for an Advance Care Directive. Should you wish to make this medical directive, you can simply write down your wishes. However, signing a more formal, written Advance Care Directive is recommended to ensure that your wishes are properly recorded. We can assist you in this regard.

Victoria Advance Care Directives

You can prepare an Advance Care Directive Victoria to document your preferences for future medical treatment, should you lose decision-making capacity. You can record general statements about your values and preferences which can guide future medical treatment decisions. You can also record instructions consenting to or refusing specific types of treatment. The Victorian government has a recommended form to follow which needs to be witnessed by your doctor.

Professionally drafted Health/Care Directives

We can assist you with advice, recommendations and the correct documents to cover all of your needs and concerns in the event of your incapacity. One of our Estate Planning experts will ensure that your Advance Health Directive or Advance Care Directive (depending on your State) aligns with your other estate planning documents in the event of your incapacity to ensure that the people around you have what they need to look after you should you ever need it. We will discuss these issues with you at our first consultation and provide you with a fixed fee quote.

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    We have also developed some further information on Health and Medical Directives, download our fact sheet.

    Download Fact Sheet
    Lesley H


    "The opportunity to choose from a range of services gave me transparency and control over the amount spent. It turned out I found preparing my Will, Power of Attorney and Advanced Health Directive surprisingly confronting. The need to consider my death, incapacity and the financial security of my family brought a number of very human things sharply into focus for me. I am grateful that I decided to do it before the actual need arose, as the peace of mind it has offered me is palpable. I appreciated having access to the services of a highly professional group of Lawyers who have a focus and vision in just this single part of the legal field. I felt I was in safe hands and I am confident my family will also when the time comes."

    Ron & Jillian E


    "My Estate planning required a sensitive approach and Estate First Lawyers handled our meetings with professionalism, understanding and a caring attitude towards completing the documentation. All my questions and queries were answered clearly and simply."

    John & Meryl H


    "Although we were totally ignorant of Estate Planning complexities and already had recent wills in place, thanks to our very competent and pleasant Estate First legal advisor, we are confident our wills, POAs, testimonial trusts etc are legally secure and enduring as specified."

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